Spill Tube Steel Liner Install

Newaygo, MI

Industry: Hydro/Power Generation

Project Scope

Due to age, the existing steel was compromised and there was potential of failure if deterioration continued. CR Meyer was tasked with the demolition and replacement of approximately 1,850 square feet of steel in three spill tubes. Each tube required 1,265 1” holes be drilled ten inches deep for anchor installation.

The project required a dewatering plan; a scan for rebar interference and anchor bolt holes; a 3D scan to allow for specialized fabrication of new steel panels; assembly and mobilization of barges; construction of a cofferdam; demolition of existing 80 year old liner; and hand packed special grout in spalled areas.

Challenges were the ever present water leaking by existing equipment and weather. Changing weather conditions were continuously monitored to ensure they didn’t cause a ‘high water’ event which would require evacuation. To alleviate the situation, CR Meyer utilized extra dewatering equipment.

CR Meyer has been a valuable partner to assisting us with our capital expansion projects. I am particularly impressed with their project planning process and their strong emphasis on safety during construction.
Mining Industry Customer