D Bulk Hopper Steel Replacement

Ludington, MI

Industry: General Industrial

Project Scope

After forty plus years, some of the existing steel located in a calcium chloride facility was getting thin. CR Meyer was tasked with rebuilding the upper steel structure of the D Bulk Hopper which included the conveying equipment and process piping.

The project required the demolition of existing conveyors, bucket elevator, and steel platforms/stairs; repair of interior divider walls; furnishing of all galvanized structural steel, deck plate, and grating; and panelizing, erecting, bolting, and welding the upper steel structure to the existing hopper structure.

Challenges were wind and time. The project was located on Lake Michigan which had constant changes in the weather, particularly wind. As a result, it was important to watch wind speed ratings as the pieces installed were heavy and lifted via crane. Time was important as the project was a shutdown. The defined end date was critical to hit so the customer met their order commitments. CR Meyer pre-planned for this and did as much prefabrication as possible off-site.

CR Meyer played a key role as a partner in the overall success of our project. The entire construction team was fully engaged and committed to delivering the successful results of being under budget, starting up early and attaining end-of-curve production in unprecedented time.
Paper Industry Customer