CR Meyer is 25 times Safer than Industry Average
October 6, 2014
CR Meyer performed more than 2.5 million manhours over the last 12 months without a lost time accident. In an industry that averages a lost time accident for every 100,000 hours worked, the employees of CR Meyer out performed the industry norm by more than 25 times.
Our exceptional team of dedicated employees and our innovative cross-disciplinary training program that teaches that each employee is an integral part of the safety program, are the reasons for this exceptional achievement. CR Meyer implements a continuous and rigorous program of pre-task planning, weekly tool box talks, online safety orientations, regular safety reviews, lessons learned and refreshers. Every CR Meyer employee has been empowered to stop any task if it appears unsafe. Every employee is charged with ensuring that his or her co-workers return home safely and healthy—to the people who love and depend on them—at the end of each day.
Congratulations to all of CR Meyer’s employees and their families on this tremendous accomplishment.